“Culturally we are taught to disregard our gut instinct. But it is a crucial element of our ability to face and cope with traumatic situations.”
- David Berceli, PhD, The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process

The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process
Transcend Your Toughest Times
Be your own healer.
Experience the healing power of the Revolutionary Trauma Release Process and free yourself from past traumas stored in the body.
To be alive as a human being guarantees we will all experience trauma in our lives. Traumas of any kind, be it personal traumas rooted in childhood, traumatic adult experiences, or collective traumas such as wars, systemic discrimination or pandemics shock the body, creating an imbalance and vulnerability that must be healed - not solely through the mind, but more powerfully through the body.
One of the most primitive movements in the human body is pulsation. Our bodies pulsate when they are safe and contract in the face of danger. This tremor mechanism innate to the human body is an essential component of our self-regulatory system; a natural ability we must reclaim as a necessary means of supporting self-care.
Medical science may have overlooked the therapeutic value of the body’s natural tremor mechanism to heal trauma, but we can reclaim it. Anyone can re-activate their body’s natural pulsation through the simple series of exercises found in this book. Even in cases of severe post-traumatic stress disorder, this process can re-establish a person’s equilibrium, stabilize their life, and return them to an emotionally healthy place.
“The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process is the result of David’s long journey of discovering and perfecting this novel and widely applicable form of trauma therapy. It serves as a useful manual for learning these exercises on one’s own. One of the unique features of the exercises is that they can be learned and practiced as a therapeutic self-help skill, as well used as an adjunct to other forms of trauma therapy.”

David Berceli, PhD
David Berceli, Ph.D. is the founder and CEO of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises. He is an international author, presenter and trainer in the areas of trauma intervention, stress reduction, and resiliency & recovery training.
For 15 years he lived and worked in war-torn countries, providing specialized trauma recovery assistance to U.S. military personnel, relief agencies, and government agencies whose staff are exposed to trauma-inducing environments.
His academic career includes a degree in Social Work (Ph.D.), Clinical Social Work (MA), Theology (MA), Middle Eastern Studies (MA). He is also certified as a Massage Therapist (MT), and Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT).

“When we do battle with what’s happening in our lives, we inflict suffering on ourselves and on those around us. We damage ourselves and we damage our relationships. This book proposes that resistance to any aspect of our lives is counterproductive. Fighting what’s happening to us leads only to increased suffering. Realizing this fact invites a different approach. How can we cope with stressful times in a way that doesn’t leave us reeling, doesn’t turn life into a battlefield, and doesn’t damage our health? Since we cannot prevent such times, the wise response is simply to allow them to be as they are.”