“The more automated our experience becomes, the less involved we are in the art of living.
- Michael Brown, Alchemy of the Heart

Alchemy of the Heart
Transform Turmoil into Peace through Emotional Integration
If you have ever longed to be true to yourself, this is the book for you.
All of us experience emotional upset, and naturally, we blame our circumstances or other people for much of it. But Alchemy of the Heart shows that the cause of what occurs in our everyday lives lies not outside us, but within. Our external circumstances are in fact reflections of our emotional state.
To enable us to accomplish an effortless course correction, Michael Brown takes us on a journey that mirrors the various stages of our lives. As we discover how we are energetically shaped by our initial interactions in childhood, the perceptual penny drops and we receive the required “Aha!” moments that invite us to take charge of our lives. Alchemy of the Heart empowers us to take personal responsibility for the quality of our everyday experience.
Alchemy Of The Heart is a weekend read that gives you all the perceptual insights required to reload your daily experience with the fruits of responsive behavior. It is a little book with a big heart!
“This and Michael Brown’s other book, “The Presence Process”, are all anyone needs to finish their spiritual journey home and be at peace. It’s over if you work this process. Nothing else to say.”

Michael Brown
Until 1989, South African-born Michael Brown was living what he had called a blissfully unconscious life as a music journalist. He then developed an acutely painful neurological condition for which conventional medicine had neither cure nor relief. This caused him to set out on what became an odyssey of self-healing. His exploration took him into numerous alternative healing modalities – then beyond.
In the late 90s, Michael began to chart a methodical pathway into present moment awareness with the intent to develop a practical procedure that anyone, anywhere, could follow to initiate this experience for themselves. This procedure became known as The Presence Process.
In 2002 Michael returned to South Africa and invited others to experience this inner journey. He discovered that as others embraced present moment awareness they too automatically experienced release from physical, mental, and emotional discomfort, including psychological disorders and addictions.
Michael lives in The Eastern Cape, South Africa.

“Unlike The Presence Process, Alchemy of the Heart requires no
systematic procedure, other than reading, to reap the benefits of the
fruits within the text. It is intended to effortlessly inspire, challenge,
trigger, and question our human experience in a manner inviting
verification, not through debate or discussion, but through consciously
transforming the way we perceive the purpose of our presence
upon Earth, and then encouraging us to engage the wondrous play of
life accordingly.”