“To discover who we really are, we must step back from the thinker that pretends to be us, including the images we hold of ourselves. We must look beneath our mental clutter to find its source, which is the spaciousness of pure awareness. Only then can we detect this ever-present awareness as our true nature, which is pure being.”
- Christopher Papadopolous, PEACE: And Where to Find It

And Where to Find It
In a world rife with turmoil and lives led in fear, this book delivers us from our angst, sense of separateness, and fear.
The world has never created/manufactured peace and never will because peace is already here and everywhere, waiting for us to notice it. It is a fundamental characteristic of who we are, if we were only aware of this.
Structured in a primarily Q & A format, this book guides readers on a simple yet profound journey of discovery, inviting them to discard their mental concepts about what peace is or isn't. It takes the reader step by step beyond the illusionary impediments to peace generated by the ego.
This book reveals the deep relationship between peace and body awareness. Inhabiting the present moment through deep body awareness makes peace manifest in our lives and across the planet.
“Readers who are already familiar with The Power of Now, and responded to it deeply, will derive the greatest benefit from PEACE. Its main message is that peace is possible, even in the midst of turmoil. It is possible because it is inseparable from who you are in your essence.”
“This is a deep, very clearly written and quite accessible book about Peace. The author writes from a place of stillness about Peace and its relation to our mind, emotions and body, as well as in relation to anger, justice and activism. Don’t come to this book with your personal expectations and agendas, as did one reviewer that I read, or else you will entirely miss the gift that this book gives us. ‘Peace and Where to Find It’ is an important and timeless book, which also is synchronistically quite timely, as the daily media barrages us with stories about how divided we are, both as individuals and as nations. ”

Christopher Papadopolous
Christopher Papadopoulos holds bachelor degrees in education and history from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and has served as both a primary and high school teacher. Based on his desire to help create a better world, in 1993 he ran for parliament in the Canadian federal elections. Realizing that a world of peace and harmony begins within the individual, he then embarked on an inner journey toward greater self-awareness. He works with individuals and groups, guiding others to experience peace through the process of their own self-discovery.

“This book will show you how to live from your true nature, which is always peaceful. It is your birthright to experience peace as a constant background to everything that happens in your life. In a sense, this is a roadmap home, back to your true self. By going in the direction this book points, you’ll enter into your own direct experience of being at home with yourself. You will be the evidence that peace is available right now, no matter what may be happening in your external world. The implications of such discovery literally constitute an evolutionary leap in consciousness. ”