“Because the story is presented in symbols, it’s necessary to pay close attention to each of these symbols in order to mine the book’s riches. In this, apparently simple child’s story, are the keys to fulfillment.”
- David Robert Ord, Lessons on Loving in The Little Prince

Lessons on Loving in The Little Prince
Insights and Inspiration
Lessons on Loving in The Little Prince follows the storyline of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,
The book explains how the little boy who grows up to be a pilot and meets the little prince when he crash-lands in the Sahara loses touch with his authentic self by the age of six — a situation that’s common to humans and is the cause of so many of our later problems in life. Paralleling the pilot’s life is the experience of the little prince, who is a symbol of our inner being — our original authentic self as a child.
His journey from the stars represents our birth from star stuff, and his romance with the rose on his planet depicts the struggles we have when it comes to forming passionate, enduring relationships. This is a book about learning to reconnect with our deepest self, learning to be real with each other in relationships, and learning to rely on ourselves and trust ourselves rather than needing the validation and support of others.
In summary, it’s a description of the journey we must take if we are to learn to be true to ourselves and make our lives fulfilling.
“Robert David Ord’s Lessons on Loving explains, with great facility, the difficult symbolism at play in the beloved novella, The Little Prince. It is a superb reference to the French classic, which is the fourth most translated book in the world. Without a guide like Lessons on Loving, this fable becomes more suited to adult readers than a read for children. Indeed, even adults need help comprehending Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s philosophical tale, so full is it of poetic language and numerous symbols. Since it has been animated for the screen, many children are familiar with the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara desert and encounters a mysterious extraterrestrial prince. Robert Ord is a rare combination of impeccable wordsmith and historian of wisdom traditions, he proves himself extraordinarily capable of concisely explaining the vast world of meaning hidden in the tale. It is revealed with poignant insight, and language that is both clear and compelling. Both books given together would be a truly wonderful gift.”

David Robert Ord
Born in Harrogate, Yorkshire, David was educated at Ripon Grammar in England, one of England’s top schools. After completing his BA with an emphasis on communication, he was hired to write in Auckland, New Zealand for five years. Since 1979 he has resided in the United States. He served as Editorial Director for Namaste Publishing for ten years.
Having studied at the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, he graduated from the San Francisco Theological Seminary and served some years as a Presbyterian minister.
In addition to writing Your Forgotten Self, David Robert Ord is the author of Lessons On Loving in the Little Prince and coauthor of The Coming Interspiritual Age with Dr. Kurt Johnson.
Currently, David ghostwrites and edits for authors all around the world.

“Because the little prince knows the real reason you behave in an infantile manner, he issues a wake-up call. He asks you to admit how terribly childish much of your behavior is. Then he challenges you to finish the journey of growing up by getting control of yourself and taming your emotional reactivity. The message of the little prince is that few grownups have ever really grown up. This is why we have trouble in our relationships—why romance fades and passion wanes.”